Hi, I'm Jamila.

astrologer + spiritual coach

I help courageous, high-achieving people (just like you) navigate times of change and find themselves again through personalized astrological life coaching.





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Your Sun Sign: Your Purpose

the scorpio glyph surrounded by planets

Everybody knows their Sun sign. Even haters, deniers, and techbros know their Sun Signs (even though they claim they “don’t believe in any of that stuff.”  Insert hard eyeroll). As I’ve said before and will say again until I’m blue in the face, you are so much more than your Sun Sign.  But there is no denying that the Sun is the most well-known part of anyone’s chart for one big reason; it’s the main character. It represents your personality and purpose.

No matter what other energies you have going on in your chart, the Sun is the leading lady, gentleman, person, diva, or whatever noun you prefer.  The Sun is the star, the lead role, the Boss of Bosses. 

Just like all the other planets revolve around the Sun in our solar system, so too do the planets in your birth chart revolve around your Sun Sign.

In my opinion, you are here to do the work of your Sun and all the other planets are here to support that work.  (Now, whether those planets perform that job well or not is a different question for a different post and/or a personal reading because that’s when things get interesting).

I absolutely detest general horoscopes which give vague, generic advice for all twelve Sun Signs, but your Sun Sign is a good place to start, especially when you are looking for a sense of purpose and direction.

What does the Sun mean in Astrology?

Planets represent energy.  The planets as they move on a daily basis represent the ever-changing energy around us.  The planets as they were at the moment of your birth represent your personal energy, which is unlike anyone else’s on Earth!  And each of those planets represents a different part of your personality, journey, and purpose. They are your different Parts.

Here is a brief description of the ten astrological planets (in Western astrology) and the roles they play:

  • The Sun: your purpose, power and basic personality
  • The Moon: your emotional needs, how you love and want to receive love
  • Mercury: your style of intellect and communication
  • Venus: what you find attractive and what people find attractive about you
  • Mars: your inner warrior, the things that rile you up, make you mad and turn you on
  • Jupiter: your inner philosopher and a part of your personality that may overshadow the others
  • Saturn: your sense of duty, the things that restrict and confine you
  • Uranus: your inner rebel and genius, the part of you that’s different from everyone else
  • Neptune: your inner dreamer, your spiritual self
  • Pluto: your inner therapist, the part of you that breaks you down to build you back up

All of them are important, and they work together to help you become the best you and get you where you’re going.  For the purposes of this post, though, we are focusing on the Sun. 

If life is just a play with no rehearsal, then planets play the following roles:

  • The Sun: main character
  • The Moon: supporting character who occasionally steals the show
  • Mercury: the best friend who always has an opinion
  • Venus + Mars: the love interest(s)
  • Jupiter + Neptune: the older, wiser characters who give sage and (sometimes insane) advice
  • Saturn + Pluto: the obstacles to overcome
  • Uranus: the plot twist(s)

Are you ready to start (or continue) your journey of self-awareness, self-empowerment, and self-love?  Book a free 30-minute Energy Assessment reading with me here.

What role is your Sun playing?

Although we all have Suns and therefore, we all have a main character, our main characters are different.  That’s where the zodiac sign comes into play.  The zodiac sign is what adds the flavor and pizazz to your main character.  The main character in a western is very different from the main character in a romcom or kids’ movie.  We can say the same thing about the signs.  An Aries Sun has a different mission and script from a Gemini Sun or a Scorpio Sun.  And that’s what makes this all so fun and interesting!  Ready to figure out what type of role you’re playing in the world?

So, what’s your purpose?


You are here to be a leader.  You are a child of Mars, the god of war.  Your purpose involves bravery, physical strength, and the ability to survive difficult circumstances.  You are a warrior, fighter, survivor, and adventurer.  If your life isn’t challenging you to do the things you’re afraid of, you’re not living up to your potential or answering the call of your Aries nature. You may feel restless, bored, or find yourself starting fights about things that don’t really matter. You are a strong and brave person, even if you don’t feel like it. Boldly go where nobody has gone before.  So walk in your purpose by blazing trails, whether those are physical or emotional, spiritual or mental.  The world needs brave souls like you to lead by example.


the taurus glyph surrounded by planets

You descend from the mythical line of Venus, the goddess of love, art, and beauty.  You have a natural connection to nature, and you are a guardian, protector and child of the Earth.  If you’re not regularly taking time to reconnect with nature, you may feel off kilter. You are a person who needs to stay grounded, calm and centered. Like the Bull that represents Taurus, you have extremely accurate animal instincts and are a force to be reckoned with, especially when you or the people and things you love are threatened. Your purpose involves building, creating, and sustaining.  Whether that means building physical structures or building a family or community, your steadfast presence is invaluable.


the gemini glyph surrounded by planets

You’re here to share your brilliant ideas in the form of words, poetry, books, and all other forms of media.  You are a mythological descendant of Mercury, the quick-witted god of communication…so your mind is a busy place that wants to be used! You are a smart, curious person, and boredom is your enemy.  So use that big brain and share your thoughts with the world!  Your purpose is to spread the word. Write a book.  Start a podcast.  Publish your poetry.  You probably have a million thoughts in that head of yours, so express them!


the cancer zodiac glyph surrounded by planets

You are here to nurture yourself and others.  As a Moonchild, and you are sensitive, nurturing and empathetic.  You may be the “mom friend” of the group or find yourself nurturing others often. There’s no shame in that.  In fact, it’s exactly aligned with the Cancer purpose!  With all these signs out here doing various jobs, someone has to be the caregiver and that assignment has fallen to you.  Embrace it.  We need you.  But remember that caregiving takes its toll when it’s not balanced with self-care. Be sure to recharge your batteries and take time to yourself when you need it. (And even when you don’t think you need it).


the leo glyph surrounded by planets

You are here to create.  Leo energy is all about creation, play, and fun. You are a performer, artist, and star.  You have a superstar quality about you, and you’re meant to embrace it! Leo is  associated with the Sun, the center or our solar system and the light for everything on this planet. You have such a bright light to share with the world, so share it. It’s no coincidence that so many huge Hollywood stars are Leos! Your purpose is shine brilliantly, bring joy, and create something beautiful and meaningful along the way.


the virgo glyph surrounded by planets

Your purpose is to serve, without becoming a servant. You are helpful, intelligent, and good at anything you put your mind to.  When you see that something can be improved, there is something in you that needs to fix it. There’s nothing wrong with that or you; you are made exactly how you were meant to be made and the world needs fixers! Service is a noble calling, but you have to be careful that being of service does not devolve into being a servant. Virgos are the natural helpers of the zodiac, and you can help yourself and others while still keeping an eye on healthy boundaries and your emotional bandwidth.


the libra glyph surrounded by planets

Your purpose is to learn and then teach others about balance.  You are an artist, people person, and lover of beautiful things.  Like the Scales that represent Libra, you are a person who needs balance and calm. One way to achieve that calm is by making sure that your surroundings bring you peace and please your sense of style. Libra is associated with Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, so there is nothing shallow about your love of art and aesthetics! It’s just how you’re made. Love it, accept it, and teach it to others.


the scorpio glyph surrounded by planets

You picked a hard assignment this lifetime! Scorpio energy is no joke, and neither are you. You are intuitive, deep, and passionate.  Your purpose is to use your powers of intuition to be a healing force on this planet, for yourself and others.  You feel everything deeply and have an uncanny sense of the things and people around you. You know things, and 9 times of 10, if you’re feeling lost or off track, it’s because you’ve stopped listening to your inner knowing. Maybe you’ve done this because your intensity has scared some people off. Maybe you’ve done it because you’ve freaked yourself out at times. But you are the natural bloodhound and detective of the zodiac, and your energy is needed.


the sagittarius glyph surrounded by planets

You are here to explore and learn, and then to teach what you’ve learned to others.  As an explorer, philosopher, and lifelong learner, you are the living embodiment of “All who wander are not lost.” Curious and always asking the “why” questions about life, you are a teacher and a student. Sagittarius is associated with the King of the Gods, Jupiter, and Jupiter was known as a wonderful host and someone who enjoyed meeting new people. You are meant to see the world, and if you’re stuck in a rut, there’s no better way to get out of it than hopping on a plane and venturing somewhere new.


the capricorn glyph surrounded by planets

You are here to get shit done.  Pardon my French.  You are a leader, taskmaster and planner, and without Capricorns, we would probably all be up the creek without a paddle. You probably feel a deep need to accomplish things and more than likely, you’re quite good at whatever you put your mind to. Saturn rules Capricorn and Saturn is all about putting your head down and getting the work done. But you have to be careful not to exhaust yourself in the process. If you’re feeling stuck in life, one way to jumpstart your energy is to pull out that to-do list that I know you have and pick something small and doable. You can get to experience the bliss of accomplishment while also not overworking yourself. And by doing several small things over time, you end up accomplishing quite a bit.


the aquarius glyph surrounded by planets

You are here to be yourself, loudly. You are an agent of change, a rebel and reformer, and you march to the beat of your own drummer.  Although you may not be moved by a lot, you are moved deeply by the causes that you are passionate about, whether that is civil rights, the protection of children, or anything else that gets your blood pumping. Saturn and Uranus rule Aquarius: a combination that makes you dogged and progressive. Once you invest your time and heart into something, you are ride-or-die. You can set an example for everyone around you by being simply existing as yourself.


the pisces glyph surrounded by planets

You are here to create, connect to the Universe, and to remind the rest of us that we are all connected to each other.  You are a dreamer, a poet, artist, musician and mystic.  Pisces people have a strong connection to the Spirit World, and you may often feel disconnected from Earthly problems. Jupiter and Neptune rule Pisces: a combination that makes you deeply spiritual. Jupiter is expansive and philosophical, while Neptune (the god of the seas) is emotional and introspective. You add your unique perspective to everything you touch, and the world needs your sensitivity.

Start Walking in your Purpose Today

I hope this quick guide on finding your purpose through your Sun Sign has been helpful.  We are all here to do something important. You are not a perfect person, but you are perfect as you are. Of course, there is so much more to your life and your purpose than these short paragraphs, but this is a great way to start putting one foot in front of the other.  You can start with this guide and then work your way into deeper digging on your own, through my free resource library, or with me directly!  I love, love, love astrology.  And I am living in my purpose by doing exactly this.  You can walk in your purpose, too!

Get started by booking a free 30-minute Energy Assessment Reading with me here!

To Healing,


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