Hi, I'm Jamila.

astrologer + spiritual coach

I help courageous, high-achieving people (just like you) navigate times of change and find themselves again through personalized astrological life coaching.





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Astrology: The Cosmic Parenting Solution

mom and daughter touching noses

If you have joined the wild and wonderful world of parenting, then you have probably pretty figured out pretty quickly that although your child may have your genes and definitely has your love, they are their own person. With their own quirks, likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an instruction manual on this person whose life you’re in charge of? Well, good news. Your child has a built-in instruction manual tailored specifically to them. It’s their birth chart.

What is a birth chart?

“Birth chart” or “natal chart” is the term used in astrology to describe the positions of the planets at the time of a person’s birth. At the exact moment of birth, all of the planets are in a particular spot that is unique to the person being born at that moment. So the birth chart is like an astrological picture of those planets, and it is the road map for a whole host of things. It shows a person’s personality, wants and needs, love languages, areas of improvement, potential obstacles, and where to find joy. The birth chart could probably be used for just about any purpose when it comes to learning about a person.

As a parent, I’m sure you would love to know about your child. Of course, you observe them and know some things intuitively just by paying attention. But wouldn’t it be great to learn even more? Especially as they grow up, share less, and start dealing with the ups and downs of life. The birth chart can help you time when to expect certain issues and also how to help your child succeed and grow into the person they’re meant to be.

How can a birth chart help you in your parenting goals?

Unless you live under a rock (no judgment), you probably know your Sun Sign and your child’s Sun Sign. Maybe you even have a basic understanding of it your Sun Sign is compatible with your child’s. But astrology is so much deeper than that. You and your child have multiple planetary placements, probably in several different signs, which all add to your personalities and how you relate to yourselves and each other.

The Sun is the main character in the play of your life, but the other planets all play important supporting roles.  And some points during your life, they will even take the spotlight for a time.  Here is a brief description of the ten planets and the roles they play:

  • The Sun: your purpose, power and basic personality
  • The Moon: your emotional needs, how you love and want to receive love
  • Mercury: your style of intellect and communication
  • Venus: what you find attractive and what people find attractive about you
  • Mars: your inner warrior, the things that rile you up, make you mad and turn you on
  • Jupiter: your inner philosopher and the part of your personality that may overshadow the others
  • Saturn: your sense of duty, the things that restrict and confine you
  • Uranus: your inner rebel and genius, the part of you that’s different from everyone else
  • Neptune: your inner dreamer, your spiritual self
  • Pluto: your inner therapist, the part of you that breaks you down to build you back up

If you would like to dig more deeply into Sun Signs, I have an article about how your Sun Sign relates to your purpose here. You could read this for your and/or your child, and help your kid get (and stay) on their path to purpose.

My Sagittarius Child

So, what does all this look like practically? Here are examples from my life. I have two daughters; my oldest is a Sagittarius and my youngest is a Leo. As fire signs, they have a lot of physical energy…something that my Scorpio water sign Sun does not have in abundance. I learned early on that my kids were not the type that would be entertained by sitting around and watching TV all day. They need to be moving and doing constantly.

My oldest daughter is not only a Sagittarius Sun, but also a Sagittarius moon. This means that she has a LOT of Sagittarius energy. One trait of Sagittarius it that it’s very concerned with its friends. That’s because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the king of the gods and a consummate host. Jupiter loves to host, and the more the merrier. My daughter’s friends are really important to her, which is not necessarily true for my Leo and was not true for me when I was her age. Because of this, I know that regularly-scheduled play dates and friend hangouts are essential to her happiness. If you are an introvert like me, you know that sounds like a nightmare! But it’s crucial for her, so I do it.

I’ve also learned that my Sagittarius is very intuitive and emotional. If you know anything about Sagittarius, those are not two words would you immediately associate with it. So where is this coming from? Well, she has a big Cancer influence from her Cancer Jupiter. Jupiter as a planet in the birth chart makes anything it touches really big and noticeable. Meaning, even with so much unemotional Sagittarius energy, that watery Cancer still plays a big part in her personality.

My Leo Child

My youngest is a Leo through and through. She loves to sing, paint, draw, and generally craft and create. This is Leo energy all day. Leos are the performers and artists of the zodiac, and that’s exactly what she is. If you have an artist in your home, then you know it’s basically impossible to keep your house clean. With all the paint, paintbrushes, crayons, glue and all the rest, it’s a never ending battle to keep any place tidy. I used to beat myself up about it and wonder how I could potentially cut down on the artwork.

But then I really watched my Leo while she created. She was so focused on her art and so happy to make it that I just accepted that my house is never going to be a model home. I can do my best to keep the other areas clean, but her art spaces are going to look like an artist lives here. Because she does! Just knowing this about my child not only helps me embrace her and her gifts, but it helps me set realistic expectations on myself as a mom. I can have an artist, or I can have a pristine house, but probably not both. And my baby’s joy is more important than having everything neat and tidy all the time.

My Leo also has a Gemini moon. This means that not only does she like to talk, but she needs to talk. She asks so many questions that sometimes she talks until the moment she falls asleep. This can certainly be a lot sometimes, especially when I need a quiet moment, but I also don’t want to stifle her big brilliant brain.

My Journey Parenting Myself

As I try to balance being a mom, having a full-time career, feeding my passions and taking care of myself, I am also learning how to parent myself in the process. I am a Scorpio, and I want and need a certain amount of alone time to regroup and think. This can be hard to get and hard to ask for, especially with kids. So part of the process of parenting myself and my daughters is to speak with them openly about my needs and theirs. While I hold space for their needs of friends and talking and painting and movement, I’m also teaching them that sometimes I need a few minutes alone to recharge. I feel like this teaches us all about healthy boundaries and asking for what we need.

Parenting your Specific Child or Children…and Yourself

I am not claiming to be a parenting expert. I, probably like you, am just a regular person that loves my kids and wants to do the best I can by them and for them. For me, that includes intimately knowing their birth charts and knowing how I can help them grow and prosper. Here are some tips for each of the signs that you can apply to your children, and yourself. Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and make it fit your circumstances.

As mentioned above, your child is more than just their Sun Sign. And like my Sagittarius, yours might have some significant energy in a sign that’s very different from their Sun Sign. If that’s the case, you should read up on that section, too.

If you would like to keep track of all these planetary placements, you can download my free “My Birth Chart” worksheet here. You can fill it out for you, your child(ren), or anyone else you want to understand better!

Parenting an Aries (or a child with a lot of Aries energy)

Aries are dynamic people. If your child is bouncing off the walls, can’t seem to sit still, or maybe even shows flashes of anger, it could be that they’re stifling their natural energy. It would probably do wonders for their (and your) mental health to put them into sports of some kind. If they’re not into organized sports, any kind of physical activity will help them blow off some of that steam. If you notice that yours is prone to anger, outbursts, or hitting, a journal for them to write about their emotions would also be helpful.

Parenting a Taurus (or a child with a lot of Taurus energy)

Taurus people tend to move quite a bit slower than Aries, but they’re just as stubborn and explosive. Taurus people also looooove food. I know there are many Taurus folks who are tired of that Taurus food meme energy, but the stereotype persists because it’s true. Taurus is Earth Goddess energy, and food is of the earth. These people love naps and pillows and snacks. So you can certainly take care of your Taurus by feeding them well, but you can also teach them how to cook so they can feed themselves (and you). Given the propensity for snacking, exercise is also important for these kids…especially outside. As an Earth sign, a connection to the outdoors is a must for Taurus folk.

Parenting a Gemini (or a child with a lot of Gemini energy)

Your Gemini has probably not stopped talking since the moment they were born. Invest in some patience, because that ain’t going to change. Gemini is the communicator, so one of the best things you can do for this child is give them the space to talk and ask questions. Of course, part of parenting is figuring out and maintaining boundaries. It’s not appropriate to talk everywhere, all the time, or to ask every single thing you’ve ever thought. But these kids really need a space to speak their minds and question the world, so try to give them that in a way that makes sense for your life.

Parenting a Cancer (or a child with a lot of Cancer energy)

Brace yourself for a lot of tears. Cancer energy is very emotional, intuitive and sensitive. If you are not the sensitive type, you may find yourself bewildered often by your little crab’s mood swings and instant tears. They can’t help it. You can be there and hold space for them by not getting upset or reactive when their feelings are hurt and being available to listen to their grievances. Of course, teaching them how to handle hurt feelings is a must. But they will be more likely to grow into emotional intelligence if they feel heard early and often.

Parenting a Leo (or a child with a lot of Leo energy)

I think the single most helpful thing you can do for a Leo is to give them the space to create. Whether that’s making art or performing songs and dances for you, these Lions need to shine. Just like actual lions basking in the savannah sun. Be prepared; yours is likely to be dramatic and to fall into periods of acting like a baby (no matter how old they are. Seriously). But they’re also incredibly sweet, thoughtful, and giving. You just have to accept that you will have to stroke their manes and let them roar sometimes. The outcome is that you may have a star on your hands.

Parenting a Virgo (or a child with a lot of Virgo energy)

May the Lord have mercy on your soul.

I’m kidding. Or am I?

No for real, Virgos are amazing. Just Google a list of people who are the best at everything they do and a startling high number of them are Virgos. They are masters of their craft, and your Virgo is likely a straight A student (or capable of it). That’s the good part.

The more difficult part is that they’re also quite nervous perfectionists who are very tightly wound. So while you praise your Virgo for their work ethic, it would also be helpful to remind them to take a break and have fun every now and again. Teaching them that skill now will help them down the road.

Parenting a Libra (or a child with a lot of Libra energy)

Libra children probably seem pretty easygoing, and they’re probably also pretty cute. Libra is associated with Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, and Libras tend to carry on in that tradition with their good looks. Parenting one of these lovelies will require a balance of reassuring them they’re beautiful while making sure that’s not the only trait that they think is important. Their brains, kindness, and work ethic are things that will endure, while beauty fades. Keeping them out of the shallow end of the pool will help them in the long run.

Parenting a Scorpio (or a child with a lot of Scorpio energy)

These kids are deep and insightful from a very young age. They may notice things that other kids don’t, or make comments and observations that are completely true and socially inappropriate. One way you can help them embrace their intuition but also learn some social graces is to teach them that not everything should be said out loud in front of everybody. But give them a safe space where they can share their observations and have their depth validated. Setting aside specific times and places to have deep conversations will not only help them embrace their natural energy, but it will strength your bond with them and their trust in you.

Parenting a Sagittarius (or a child with a lot of Sagittarius energy)

As I mentioned when talking about my Sagittarius daughter, friends and activities are likely going to be very important to yours. You may get complaints from your child’s teacher that they’re a little too social and outgoing, or that their opinions are quite blunt and to the point. I personally don’t find it helpful or even practical to tell your Sag to stop talking. They’re not going to. But what you can do is teach them that there is a time and place to talk and socialize. You can also teach them about delivering their 100% correct observations in a way that other people can receive without being too direct. A little diplomacy now will help them a lot in the future.

Parenting a Capricorn (or a child with a lot of Capricorn energy)

Your Capricorn is probably ambitious, hard-working, and a natural leader. All incredible traits to have at any age. Like Virgos, they can turn into perfectionists. So it’s helpful to catch them while they’re young and teach them that perfection is the enemy of good enough. It’s also a great time to teach them how to be the kind of leader that other people should follow. Not someone with an iron fist and zero feelings. This kids has all the potential in the world, and you have an incredible opportunity to mold them into the kind of person you would want as a friend, co-worker, and boss.

Parenting an Aquarius (or a child with a lot of Aquarius energy)

This kid is probably more open-minded, open-hearted, and progressive than you are. Accept it, and learn from them while you teach them how to use their energy for good. They have a real capacity to care for others, even when people tend to get on their nerves. Perplexing, I know. It’s like they see the potential for people, but are disgusted by the reality. You can take care of your waterbearer by listening to their opinions and actually having conversations with them. You can also indulge their random interests, within reason. Maybe they’re not old enough to dye their hair, but you could let them hair spray it their desired color for a weekend.

Parenting a Pisces (or a child with a lot of Pisces energy)

Pisces kids are the definitions of “old souls.” They’ve been here before, and they probably do not want to come back again. LOL. Anyway, your little Fish is mystical, musical, and psychic. If they want to tell you about their dreams, please let them. No matter how crazy the dreams are. They would probably do well with music classes and instruments, anything that feeds their musical inclinations. They are prone to spacey tendencies, so part of your job as their parent is to let them have their heads in the clouds while keeping their feet on the ground.

Parenting is hard. I get it. I’m in the trenches, too. There are a lot of wrong ways to parent, but not just one right way. The way you parent one of your kids is probably different from how you parent the other, because they are different people with different needs. As an astrologer, I find astrology to be one of the best, most personalized and specific ways to know my children. I would love to help you get to know yours on a cosmic level, too.

If you’re curious about working with me and figuring out how you can add to your parenting repertoire, you can book a FREE 30-minute Energy Sneak Peak session with me here. We’ll talk about the basics of what I do, how I might be able to help you, and I’ll answer questions you may have.

I hope this was helpful! I look forward to hearing from you.


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